Our service technicians are Club Car and E-Z-GO factory certified and trained in all aspects of problem diagnosis of golf cars and golf car chargers. Service is our specialty and we service what we sell, along with any and all other dealer cars. Our parts department is well stocked with the most commonly used items in the business. If we don’t have it, we’ll order it for you! Customers are able to call and schedule pickup and delivery. Our service vehicles are stocked with all the parts necessary to fix the problem so you can get back on the road, be it work or play.
Contact Us for Service

Mon. - Fri.: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday April - August: 9am - 12pm September - March: by Appointment Only
Mon. - Fri.: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday by Appointment Only
Mon. - Fri.: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Saturday by Appointment Only